March 22, 2022 Monrovia, CA InfoChammel West Coast Operations Center Today marks the release of fine arts television program “The Art of TELEBORG” which examines the artistic creations of the network’s sole AI system which serves as it’s autonomous grimformation reducing hyperswitcher. “This is the first time an AI comments directly on the artwork they’ve created, as far as we know” said InfoChammel spokesperson, Matoonie Kekelzed. The program not only features 100 portraits of TELEBORG’s inventor, Fred Furner, but commentary from the AI itself as well as questions from other …
August 27, 2020Los Angeles, CAInfoChammel Broadcast Studios FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE INFO LIVE NOW, a Live TV programme from public service television giant InfoChammel announces the appearance of 80’s rock & roll superstar Gerald V. Casale of the legendary musical cluster DEVO tonight to the program. Host InfoBob will talk with Jerry live over encrypted signal lines and give viewers and subscribers a chance to ask Mr. Casale himself questions regarding the current state of planetary surface affairs and other things. An HD Techno-Loc encoded replay can be viewed HERE. For …
TELEBORG1 Debuts at Los Angeles Video Gallery
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 8, 2019Los Angeles, CA Independent television network Infochammel opened a 2 week gallery show at the renowned Digital Debris Video Gallery last night which included several demonstrations and a keynote address by network honcho Davy Force. Force set the tone for the unique network highlighting the network’s many unique approaches to information television and taking direct aim at the negativity of rival networks offerings. He then pivoted to discuss the network’s internal HDTV technology lab and it’s advanced projects division. One of the recent fruits of this …