Participate with the Global InfoChammel Community by sharing your positive message directly with the world thru the power of HDTV! Get your very own customized HDTV POWERSCREEN created to full HC2K Techno-Loc specifications that plays in permanent rotation on InfoChammel by visiting the InfoStore! You can also submit your own InfoChammel HC2K compliant content to InfoChammel using the “Designers Infotext Creation Kit” you automatically receive when you sign up as a Official InfoArtist (OI),

Are you a digital artist? Submit your own still screen graphics creations to InfoChammel! It’s Free! Earn Colors!

Don’t have the skills or time to MAKEASCREEN? That’s OK we’ll make your message into a screen with POWERSCREEN.

Got skills and ambition? Go full tilt and submit your text show to InfoChammel for Chammelcast Today! Earn Colors!
Subscriber Participatory Content
Every screen / show you create or purchase that is Approved for Chammelcast (A4CC) once integrated will continue to run in perpetual rotation for the lifetime of the network (up to 11,000 years). In some cases of advertising text content, the material may not be included on all of our distribution platforms, but on all own main HQ feeds. Your screen and content will live on and on for one low initial fee (in the case of POWERSCREEN).
You can get started with POWERSCREEN right away by purchasing a screen from our InfoStore. If you are interested in becoming an Official InfoArtist, and you will be sent our “Designers Infotext Creation Kit” to give you the design guidelines and tools for IC approved infoscreen creation.
We know your info is important and we want to make a pledge of commitment to all of our InfoArtists for making your expert skillsets available for InfoChammel’s Public Service Mission. For each of your approved submissions to INFOCHAMMEL, you’ll receive compensation in the form of our Colors & Credits System.

InfoChammel Colors System ( I€€$ ) and Credits
“We want you to feel good about your hard work creating vital materials for the world’s next great communication platform.”InfoChammel
Not to mention you would handsomely receive your earned share of colors per gig. Colors that can be saved or exchanged for exclusive merchandise available only to our official representatives. You can be assured when things improve we will look at more “standard compensatation” routines making this potentially an incredible ground floor opportunity for our entire team of international collaborators. And always know that InfoChammel will be there long after all the others. For 11,000 years, to be exact. Just leave it up to us to distribute your info and HDTV art through the megaverse on multiple ChammelNet, Internet, Cable & Satellite HDTV television and mobile devices.
InfoChammel’s Official InfoArtist program allow art/tech minded subscribers the opportunity to contribute to society through Public Service television.
Want to submit your own graphics creations to InfoChammel?! But don’t want to commit to an entire text program?! Our MAKEASCREEN program allows you to submit a single graphical still based on the technical specs (1920×1080 RGB PNG or JPG) using the Guide to Official InfoChammel Design & Exhibition Resource (GOIDER) Document as guidelines for your submission.
InfoChammel will take submissions to current shows/themes and once there are enough submissions, the show will be produced. You should be ready to go once you’ve requested to become an Official InfoArtist (see above) and have received the Guide to Official InfoChammel Design & Exhibition Resource (GOIDER), the AE Chammel Toolkit (After Effects CS6), IC-Fontkit and InfoArtist Pledge of Commitment to get you started.
We cannot guarantee every screen will be accepted but with our guidance it likely will.
Currently, we are taking MAKEASCREEN submissions to the following text programs:
New shows will be available to submit to as time goes on. If you are interested in submitting your own idea for a text program try using MAKEASHOW. When you download our “Designers InfoText Creation Kit”, you’ll get a rough template in AE format for these MAKEASCREEN shows to get you started. Currently, we are taking MAKEASCREEN submissions to the following text programs:

Short phases and sayings in the spirit of The Party. Example “Get Dem Drawers On!” or “Dance with the Hats Now”
Bright colored (Mainly solid color field ) backgrounds, Big bold text. Simple. Minimal. Festive. Contains smaller typeface taglines.
Design sayings that will take the party to another level- but remember to stay within the IC Guidelines of Decency.
Refer to InfoChammels currently running “BD-68 Birthday Live” for general layout and look of Partychammel

Phases and concepts in relation to general technology tools and tips. Usually a short bold statement followed by smaller sized longer text section(s).
Muted Greys, 80s computer Tans, Death screen Blues. DOS or NON-GUI looking. Still room for hi-lo res 4-bit images and bold text sections, but more “Texty”.
Technical procedure routines. Hardware Jabber. Networking failure solutions. Tips Tricks. Future to Vintage. Anything that can be considered “Tech” belongs here.
Try and get your Tech thought/note across as one self contained screen, without putting too much text on-screen.

This InfoChammel show is key to our mission of Maximum Positivity. Keep it light – keep it positive!
Bright colored (Mainly solid color field ) backgrounds, Big bold text. Simple. Minimal. Festive. Contains smaller typeface taglines.
Does your saying make you feel good? Well then it will probably make others feel good. But remember all MAKEASCREENS need IC Approval to run.
Refer to InfoChammels currently running “Posi-Affirmations” for general layout, look and feel of this text show.
InfoChammel’s Time of Day specific programming blocks are also excepting MAKEASCREEN.
- Time themed content: AM, LT, PM, XL
- Perfect for Time of Day specific material (lunch, bedtime etc)
- Templates are available
- Make a Difference
In addition to these shows accepting MAKEASCREEN, you can also submit generic themed screens and artwork. Like all MAKEASCREENS, they will need to follow GOIDER and get approved for Chammelcast (A4CC). It may take longer for these “stray screens” to get assembled into our rotation, but all approved screens will eventually end up in permanent rotation.
ALSO we have current scripts ready to execute graphically and we need screenmakers! Contact InfoChammel’s Davy Force directly at subject matter “SCREENMAKER HERE” to read the scripts and decide if you want to MAKEASCREEN: Scripted.

Have a great idea for a text show and the means to produce it in whole or in part as well? Are you a Graphics animator, Editor, Writer, or all three? Maybe you should try MAKEASHOW where you submit your concept for a text based show to appear on INFOCHAMMEL. First you would submit a general concept to INFOCHAMMEL for approval. After that, a text script of the screens and animations need to be approved, then finally, the graphics production of the piece as well. If you are able to create a workable concept and production for a text show, we can negotiate in the case the show/network becomes profitable. Use the InfoChammel Design Guide to build your show after script approval, and know InfoChammel can certainly help bring the production together at the end. We look forward to seeing your text show in rotation for the next 11,000 years!
Any additional questions please email to Olivon Morblelino Subscriber relations : subject matter : “GOT QUES”
Here are the Current Rates for our BUYASCREEN program, currently on sale, always subject to change. Prices in USD. General turnarounds are 5-10 days to get the screen emailed to you. 6-8 weeks before screen enters our HDTV rotation. To BUYASCREEN NOW just go to our InfoStore and order away!
Your HDTV message, Big Bold and Colorful. Receive your HD screen in email as well as it playing in permanent rotation on InfoChammel for up to 11,000 years.
Your Big Bold and Colorful message, with more color and texture options to set it apart. Receive your screen in email as well as it playing in permanent rotation on InfoChammel for up to 11,000 years.
A Big Bold and Colorful simplistic large scrolling text animation of your message, which you receive an HDTV .mp4 via email as well as it playing on InfoChammel for up to 11,000 years.
InfoChammel’s Unique HDTV InfoText Classified Ad system. Create your Ad and let it run for the duration of the network’s existence!
InfoChammel’s Classified Ad system, with added bells and whistles to visually set your ad apart and bring new business your way. Create your Ad and let it run for the duration of the network’s existence!
Made from your text script, or we’ll write it for you. An entire 20+ screen text show with multiple poweranims. SFX 16 bit digital music mix. Running time approx. 3-6 minutes. Production consultation included. Will get its own timeslot on our scheduled HDTV distribution methods.
Interns, Partners and Collaborators
In addition to these programs, InfoChammel is looking for interns / volunteers / partners / assistance in the following areas:
Graphicsmaster? We need you. We have great scripts ready to go for text shows. We just need still screen/animators. At least consider MAKEASCREEN. Download the InfoChammel Design Guide and the AE Toolkit, and see if you would be up for putting in some Public Service at a Ground Floor Opportunity- The World’s next Internet, INFOCHAMMEL. Let’s Build Our World’s Next Great Life Together!
Programmermaster? We need you. Our big picture involves custom programming for Apps, Web and 25 hour Live HDTV streaming. Maybe you would be up for putting in some Public Service at a Ground Floor Opportunity- The World’s next Internet, INFOCHAMMEL. Contact InfoChammel officials pronto!
Webbermaster? We need you. We are looking for someone who can build us an even more powerful web presence. Maybe you would be up for putting in some Public Service at a Ground Floor Opportunity- The World’s next Internet, INFOCHAMMEL. Let’s Talk It!

For any of the above inquiries, or any questions about partnerships or assistance in other areas please contact Darby Fofficle, IC Special Requests Administrator at