FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 8, 2019 Los Angeles, CA
Independent television network Infochammel opened a 2 week gallery show at the renowned Digital Debris Video Gallery last night which included several demonstrations and a keynote address by network honcho Davy Force.
Davy Force, ICN CEO demonstrates the T.E.L.E.B.O.R.G.1 Autonomous HDTV Hyperswitcher.
Force set the tone for the unique network highlighting the network’s many unique approaches to information television and taking direct aim at the negativity of rival networks offerings. He then pivoted to discuss the network’s internal HDTV technology lab and it’s advanced projects division. One of the recent fruits of this operation in the T.E.L.E.B.O.R.G.1 Autonomous HDTV Hyperswitcher, a semi-intelligent self contained miniaturized information television station. Force was convincing when he emphasized how the T.E.L.E.B.O.R.G.1 constituted a true breakthrough in HDTV technology, where raw net information is filtered to remove “grimformation” then converted into a posi-hypno television signal.
T.E.L.E.B.O.R.G.1 connects the cybernet and HDTV
The temporary exhibit will be open at the Digital Debris Video Gallery through December 12th.
The exhibit contains a room with 8 synchronized ‘HC2K Techno-Loc’ positivity monitors to intensify the positive effect for the experiencers.Participants also get to meet a life sized virtual projected Fred Furner.
POWERSCREEN’s most basic variant is simple text on a solid color encoded in Techno-Loc.
June 29, 2019
Fox River Grove, IL
InfoChammel McHenry Grundy (ICMHG)
InfoChammel Global Networks formally announces:
POWERSCREEN Summer Subscriber Smashtacular! Get your positive message out to the world through the power of digital television. Imagine your short message playing on digital television for up to 11,000 years for a small donation that directly improves and expands the world’s #1 positive public service HDTV Chammel. Your POWERSCREEN is HC2K Encoded 1920×1080 .png, has a minimum worth of 3 I€€$, has at least 3 visible colors, and contains >4 Video Colors Fraud Protection features. InfoChammel Network is currently in development of a cinematic feature/ette detailing the complex lore surrounding InfoChammel and your donations will make this a reality- and will get your name in the credits!! Get your POWERSCREEN Today!
POWERSCREEN XXJ allows images to be used, as well as more colorful backgrounds
Global public television network and public display systems developer InfoChammel previewed a new content series that will be released throughout the year of 2019. The series, formally codenamed PRIMERS by the network is a category of infofilms which explore the how-tos and history of the oft misunderstood InfoChammel, in order to set its users straight as to the company’s intent behind their advanced breakthrough approach to television and displays. The first short running infofilm “What is InfoChammel” was released this morning on VOD platforms and would follow soon onto the OTT television distribution platforms.
“What is HC2K Techno-Loc” covers the basics of IC’s base technology
The series will continue with infofilms covering specific proprietary technologies employed by the network such as HC2K Techno-Loc Neural Positivity Enhancement, TELEBORG AI Teleprogrammer, ICCS Video Colors System, Speedscroll Speedlearning system and Flip Flash V-Sync.
The historical roots of Fred Furner and InfoChammel are told in the mini-doc “Shaping HDTV Destiny: the Fred Furner Story” .
Probably the most anticipated infofilm is “Shaping HDTV Destiny: the Fred Furner Story” which tells the history of the technologies development by InfoChammel co-founder and Lead Technology Designer, Fred Furner. Fred’s popularity as spokesperson for the network, paired with the interest to his past and the history of the development of InfoChammel proprietary technologies has prompted much anticipation by subscribers on mainstream social networks.
The PRIMER infofilms cover some of Infochammel’s most advanced features.
For more information on the PRIMERS InfoChammel video series, please contact Braisley Boassequon, JR. LT.of Subscriber Programming @
Marz Tap Room in Chicago is a flagship IC-PSAD location.
April 3rd, 2019
Monrovia, CA
Global Public Television juggernaut InfoChammel announced this morning new Public Space Affiliate Displays (PSADs) to it’s growing list of locations. PSADs appear in public area or businesses that display InfoChammel on HC2K emitting HDTV permascreens for it’s positive effect on their employees or customers.
In December of last year, Infochammel announced signing veteran media hustler Ed Marszewski as Sr. VP of Public Affiliates LG and in only 4 months Marszewski increased the network’s PSAD locations by over 700%. When asked about his successful start at the post he claimed “It doesn’t take a whole lot of convincing once people realize the power of the Chammel- I can only assume before you know it it will be more uncommon for you not to see it in public spaces- It’s just that good.”
Kimski Korean Polish Streetfood in Chicago uses PSAD at the checkout and kitchen
As of now, InfoChammel PSADs are located at several locations, including Kimski Korean/Polish Restaurant in Chicago, The Co-Prosperity Sphere in Bridgeport, Cards Against Humanity World Headquarters, Marz Brewery Taproom in Chicago (An IC PSAD Flagship establishment), WLPN 105.5 FM Radio in Chicago, Against The Grain Brewery and Smokehouse in Louisville KY, Daily Planet Productions in Chicago, Quimby’s Bookstore in Wicker Park, and Emporium Arcade Bar in Chicago.
Quimby’s Bookstore was an early adopter of InfoChammel’s positive media solution
Marszewski also touted the use of IC Permascreens in workplaces, as it helps keep employees be more positive, focused and less distracted. “Recently large well known companies have quietly told me they’re trying it out with the possibility of full integration into their operations. The future looks bright for our Real World Affiliate Program.”
Cards Against Humanity Headquarters in Chicago has begun to integrate IC Permascreens.
For more information regarding the InfoChammel Real World Affiliates Program goto or email or
This Saturday and Sunday, visitors are invited to our public Infostallation at 604 Moulton Ave. in Downtown Los Angeles from 11a-6pm. Meet Fred Furner in person on Saturday from 12-2pm. Check out virtual hologram Fred Furner! See premiere of brand new Infoshort: What Is InfoChammel? Over 5 live HD InfoFeeds from the infosphere will also be presented. Presented by LAVA Los Angeles Video Artists and The Creative Technology Center. As part of the Brewery Artwalk. Come taste the future of HDTV!
InfoChammel is a fully independent Public Service television network serving the world with Alternative Positive Programming. We depend on viewers/non-viewers like you to help support our cause of free information television. 100% of your donations go directly to production of enhanced HDTV programming with the intent to better humankind the world over.
Make a Difference today! Donate to InfoChammel!
May 30th, 2018
InfoChammel ICWW Offices
Monrovia, CA
“WORK IT OUT” Infochammel’s brain strengthening HDTV program features candid footage from unique occupations. Premiering today is Ep#0047 “The Inside Poop on NASA” streaming this afternoon at 12:34pm local time on all Infochammel affiliates. The episode features never before seen footage behind the scenes at a undisclosed NASA facility and salutes the hardworking patriots who work there.
“Poop NASA” is an rare glimpse behind the veil of an active top secret NASA program. It features exclusive de-classified footage of the patriotic and extremely hardworking crewmembers of the secretive P-Sec program under the direction of Dr. Steven Pincher.
Work It Out is produced by Polimar Bangoolzi
InfoChammel West West, Monrovia, CA
for more info contact:
Zary Mollibennegin
Sr. Nighttime programming staff
Infochammel announces the launch of it’s location installed permascreen division- the InfoChammel POS Network is starting in the Chicago and Cook County, Illinois IC-POSIBIZ startup program. Currently InfoChammel has HC2K Techno-Loc enhanced permascreens at microbrewery MARZ tap room in Bridgeport and Quimby’s Bookstore in Wicker Park. Look for more globally installed IC Permascreens coming soon.
If your business is interested in a permascreen please contact:
InfoChammel’s robust performing infoscreen text show “BLEEPERZ”, a complimentary Obscenity Redaction public service HDTV programme has been spiking the analytics during the InfoChammel XL Late Night Infoblock says Ro Gramm of the InfoChammel Video Science Services.
Reduce your vulgarity footprint with “BLEEPERZ”. Currently not available in North Korea. For more info: Contact Hazely Pompei Sr. InfoText Official, IC Wes Coas Monrovia facility, Level D
Monrovia, CA based internet television juggernaut INFOCHAMMEL interNetworks today released the long sought after sixth installment of it’s POWERFEED telechunk clusters. POWERFEED #006 unlike the five previous installments includes adults only material as part of the INFOCHAMMEL XL (Extreme Latenight) programming block. It showcases the breakthrough “EROS Video Restaurant” programme which until today’s YouTube release has only been available exclusively on INFOCHAMMEL ROKU, a free high definition public service television offering on the ROKU set top box platform.
POWERFEED #006 is available free of charge to subscribers over the age of 32 (units) by clicking HERE.