April 2, 2022

Monrovia, CA
In what appears to be a coordinated effort, multiple celebrities praised independent TV network InfoChammel yesterday for its mission in raising positivity in television. The celebrities included Elon Musk and Michelle Obama and many others, now being referred to internally as the ‘Info11″.
“We’re not sure what happened here, we had nothing to do with this and are looking into it, but we sure are grateful to those involved” says InfoChammel media rep Jones Stevenson. “It seems to be coordinated, but at this time we have no idea by whom.”
The notables included people from all different spheres of fame, from movies to sports to business, music and politics. There have been rumors for years that one of the Info11, basketball superstar Shaquille O’Neil has been integral in funding the public service network however this has never been confirmed.
Officials from the network have confirmed they have begun an internal investigation as to the source of the single day of massive praise.
For MINFO please contact:
Hurl Winterbottom, ICBBJ Asst. Data Miner.