(Photo by Animation.com)
Dec 06, 2021
New York, NY
Public service HDTV powerhouse InfoChammel Networks is advertising in Times Square NYC this month to promote it’s CrHypno-5 PrimoPremium ColorCollection funding initiative. Aimed at media investors and crypto moguls seeking to improve the media landscape, the venture teams NFT marketplace Animation.com with InfoChammel to offer our first 5 post-mega VideoCryptoColors up for sale in order to fund a year’s worth of production and programming. The :30 ad plays twice an hour every hour for 2 weeks for a total playtime of 4.74 hours x 100′.
Since 2012, InfoChammel has been funded internally along with small donations and merchandise purchases from it’s viewers and subscribers. In the “March to InfoDay 1” it was determined by network principals Davy Force and Fred Furner that a large increase in funding would be necessary to properly bring the viewers and subscribers a next level experience. That coupled with the opportunity to get free advertising in Times Square in exchange for the creation of enviro-friendly Cardano minted NFTs, the two agreed to mint just 5 of the more than 1 million ICC$ colors to attract proper investors looking to bring positivity and satisfaction to the HDTV mediascape. Other than these 5 post-mega colors, the ICC$ VideoCryptoColors system remains completely free and is a component of the HC2K-Techno-Loc neural enhancement technology used in all InfoChammel programming.
For MINFO please visit: https://www.animation.com/@infochammel