2020 in Review: A Chammel Perspective
Jan 2nd, 2021
Monrovia, CA
InfoChammel Global HQ
Public service television provider InfoChammel debuted “Year In Review: 2020” a comprehensive HD video retrospective of this historic year. It is the only day by day televised media account of this challenging year that contains less than 0.003% Grimformation. The programme first debuted on “Info Live Now” with host InfoBob the evening of Dec. 31st, 2020 to a positationally enhanced audience. The presentation historically played 22 hours ahead in the future from the Southern California Broadcast Control Center on the island of Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in Kiribati, creating a semi-permanent 22 hour future portal accessible by the TELEBORG1 HDTV Hyperswitcher, an autonomous live content backbone of the independent public service iNetwork.
The Year in Review: 2020 presentation can be viewed HERE.
For Minfo Contact:
Braise Layanbeiger
LMFOC Info Captain L Div.