InfoChammel Public Safety Campaign Launch
June 1st, 2020
InfoChammel Global HQ
Monrovia, CA
Due to public health safety concerns regarding the Covid19 pandemic, global public service television internetwork InfoChammel has launched a PSA campaign with the release of “Covideo 19 #001” for worldwide distribution. The promo condenses over 22 minutes of informational material regarding the CoVid19 Virus into a 75 second on-air PSA using the HC2K Techno-Loc encoding protocol employed by the internetwork.
The initial promo can be viewed HERE
On the video’s initial release, it was determined that a run-on sentence was required for the explanation of this historic video.
“InfoChammel implores it’s viewers and subscribers to use utmost caution when dealing with the Covid19 phenomena and other natural or weaponized biological threats and to enact your individual psychic health powers as well as consuming proper preventative supplements and nutritious foods and waters in addition to movement, exercise and meditation to develop strong immunohealth capabilities and negative vibration repulsion forces. “
For MInfo on this public service media health program please contact:
Charles Maoggiford
ICPJBB Sr. Vice Chamlord Div. R