December 8, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
Independent television network Infochammel opened a 2 week gallery show at the renowned Digital Debris Video Gallery last night which included several demonstrations and a keynote address by network honcho Davy Force.

Force set the tone for the unique network highlighting the network’s many unique approaches to information television and taking direct aim at the negativity of rival networks offerings. He then pivoted to discuss the network’s internal HDTV technology lab and it’s advanced projects division. One of the recent fruits of this operation in the T.E.L.E.B.O.R.G.1 Autonomous HDTV Hyperswitcher, a semi-intelligent self contained miniaturized information television station. Force was convincing when he emphasized how the T.E.L.E.B.O.R.G.1 constituted a true breakthrough in HDTV technology, where raw net information is filtered to remove “grimformation” then converted into a posi-hypno television signal.

The temporary exhibit will be open at the Digital Debris Video Gallery through December 12th.